So we try. And try again. And keep trying but to be perfectly honest, sometimes I don't want to try. Sometimes I wish I wasn't the grown up and didn't feel the immense pressure to instill a love of self, others, learning and food all the time. Every day, all the time. It is simply exhausting. Rewarding (you hope), but exhausting.
It’s on those days when it doesn't feel all that rewarding that you dig deep and pull rabbit out of the hat to make the moment the best it can be or you dig a nice deep hole under your own feet. We happened to be going through one of those floundering phases and our hole was getting rather deep. The giant hole seemed to act as its own accelerator and it took both hubby and I, stopping at the very same time to figure out that we were the ones digging it. That we are, whether we like it that day or not, the grownups.
It was the wakeup call we needed (this time) that the subject had changed and we were in fact trying to speak Spanish to pass chem.
We're changing the game (again) and finding yet another new normal. Because we're the grownups and they are SO worth it.