Thursday, January 21, 2010

I know, I know

I know! I need to find a happy place to post from but for goodness sake it is January! In Michigan! I have even held off from posting because I have too much whining to do :) So to get this off my chest... The front seat of the know, where Ben's adaptive seat is strapped down and he is strapped in? That's the one. Well the extra spot next to Ben SHOULDN'T BE USED AS THE "IN TROUBLE" SEAT! Ben should not tell me that his friend didn't get to sit with him cause "blank" was in trouble and had to sit there. How is the seat my child (that is too strapped down in to get in trouble) is sitting in, THE TROUBLE SEAT??? Come on folks! Think! That's just rude! Just in case you didn't know, it's not nice for your children to get together and yell "Hey Ben! Bet you're too slow to catch us!" then run away. Stop them! It is mean! And I don't give a f&#@ if Ben is smiling. It still sucks! Back to the bus (love the bus) when kids say things ranging from "Ben can't get out of his seeaat" to "Since you can't walk down the steps very well, you should try to fly!" it is not nice. Stop them. Then tell me so I can give him a mental band aid when he gets home. Don't think for a second that it is OK to threaten Ben with taking something away (including therapy! No joke, it happens) if he is having trouble controlling his body and getting things done in a timely manner at the same time. HE HAS A REALLY GOOD REASON FOR NOT KEEPING UP, IT'S CALLED CP! Please keep your ears open for what children are saying to him and give me a heads up. I hate to hear "I'm just too slow to play", "I guess I'm just not strong", "Mom, I don't think I am strong enough to be seven", "Maybe my legs just have to be crooked", and "I want to go to the hospital so they can fix my brain" but I really hate it if it is stemming from school talk and I am the last to know. By all means, look at him, correct his behavior if he is not following directions, love him, expect a lot of him! But please folks, gain control of your behavior and don't make this harder for him. Thank you. I feel a little better.


Greta Myers said...

you go girl...

coolcapmom said...

Shannon-my heart aches for you and for Ben. What is WRONG with people?

Jason R. Myers said...

I may be back to thinking that the human race is doomed! I can't believe people sometimes.

Melissa said...

WOW! I can't even you guys!