Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hello Lily!

Well, I've been so busy around here that there has just not been time to blog.
So we got a puppy!
OK. So the timing is a bit off but she was just what we were looking for and fell into our lap.
So here she is...

Yup. She is asleep in a cup holder.


Anonymous said...

Shannon you are brave, but she is so stinking cute!!!!! I am sure that she can do nothing wrong :-)

Kelly Hermann

jamie said...

oh my goodness....she is so cute!!! my dogs love to sleep on my shoes too :)

Sarah said...

so cute!

Melanie said...

OMG she is soooo cute. She looks like what I want to get too. My daughter (15 yr old) has been asking for a puppy...we're trying to talk dad into letting us get one. He says no until there is a contract saying he doesn't have to pick up dog poop!!

Billie said...

Awwww! Seriously adorable. I can see how you couldn't resist. But I gotta ask...what exactly is that thing she is chewing in the fourth picture?!

Shannon said...

Gasp! Billie!