Thursday, April 23, 2009

March for Babies 2009!

This is our four day reminder to please support our fundraising goal for the March for Babies. What? Again? You never saw our other solicitations? This is the first you have heard that we are walking on April 26th for the March of Dimes? The second year in a row! Now you can all sit back and remember that last year we at least got out the note a week ahead. But you are dealing with Shannon and Dave and based on the last two years, I won't post next year until the day after. Seriously, many of you saw this plea last year so you probably know why we are walking. Growing up, my mom literally collected dimes for the March of Dimes and I never paid much attention. It wasn't until I saw the heroic measures taken to save my early baby that the March of Dimes MEANT something to me. The steroids and surfactant that Ben received before and after he was born are a direct result of March of Dimes research. These measures alone may have helped to keep our little guy alive. That is all I need to know and these are just two of the medical advances that March of Dimes research is responsible for. Every year 120,000 babies in the US are born too soon. Many don't survive and many of the babies that do survive, including our amazing Ben, do so with life long disabilities. We are walking to try to change this number. We are walking to celebrate our baby who was born too soon. Our goal is $500. If you can give, please do so by following this link to our donation page . If you would like to walk with us, the more the merrier! Anything that you can do to help support this cause that is so close to our hearts is appreciated. Think of what we can do if we all donate just $5. Just a few cents more than a Grande no fat white mocha light whip. It would again, be nice to get the amount on my goal tracker above $10. Yes the 0 really does makes me feel like a looser : ) Take a peak at the beautiful video put together by a dear friend here And if you still need convincing spend a few minutes with another dear friend here Thank you friends, for your enduring support.

My little man now...

My little man then...I had only this picture to look at while I pumped for a baby in a different hospital. Lets do what we can.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Facebook has made me greedy! Not that can update from my phone (I'm not THAT connected yet!), but I have thoughts to share and stories to tell and I want to share from where I am sitting. Yes, I am dreaming of thought activated blogging! I want to sit in my car and ask you all what you think? What do I do with this very first Birthday invite for Ben if I don't have any idea who the child is? How do I juggle life and my health? How do I keep moving forward? How do I get better at this? How do you?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all! Too many deviled eggs! Too many olives! Too much ham! Too many potatoes! Too many jelly beans! Too much pie! All sooo good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tons of hugs! Tons of laughs! Tons of silliness! Tons of love! All sooo good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And no puppy accidents! What a great day!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hello Lily!

Well, I've been so busy around here that there has just not been time to blog.
So we got a puppy!
OK. So the timing is a bit off but she was just what we were looking for and fell into our lap.
So here she is...

Yup. She is asleep in a cup holder.