Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Puke And A Cold And A Mid-term, Oh My!

I have a cold that is really no biggie if you don't count the wracking coughs that nearly make me throw up (not to mention nearly pee). No sore throat, no snotty nose yet no sleep because I am a coughing fool. Not that clear-your-throat-cough but that deep-down-in-your-lungs-cough-drops-can't-touch-it cough. Yesterday Ben came home from school with a tummy ache. He has never actually said that he has a tummy ache except after his fundo and even then I think that he said it once. His tummy ache turned into an all out tummy hurt that made him curl up in a ball and sob until he fell asleep. Then it turned into an all night wretch-a-thon. Temp at 103, puked up the Motrin, Tylenol and Zofran. Kiera, not to be left out, decided to move onto her floor to sleep and woke up in a puddle at about, hmm, the 5th puke fest. Wet jammies, wet carpet and screaming 2 1/2 year old. And I have a mid-term tomorrow! Can I hear a good old WAAAAAAAA! Sometimes it feels good to complain about the little things. Usually means the big things are quite.


Greta Myers said... poor thing!
Hope you all feel better soon..

Allison said...

Oh honey~this is when you realize you take all of those other times for granted! You will get through this too!