Wednesday, September 10, 2008


OK...Wait for it... I found out BY ACCIDENT yesterday that the bus is picking Ben up from school 31 minutes before school is over! Are you #%$&#^% kidding me? You must be kidding. Really, your kidding right? He has been doing this for how long without my knowledge? How long? And no one thought I WOULD WANT TO KNOW THAT?!?! PEOPLE THINK THAT IS OK?!?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! School is out at 3:41 so the first week when Ben got off the bus at 4:07 or 4:05 IT MADE SENSE! Ben's school is 10 minutes away from the other pick up schools. We live 7 minutes from there. It made sense that he would be home at 4:07. Especially when I was assured that he was the first child off since he is the first one on at freaking 7:37 for a 8:41 start time! Monday the bus pulled up at 3:48. I thought "how on earth" but figured that they had changed something for the day and I would ask around at the Open House at school. Tuesday I was coming home to meet the bus THAT IS SCHEDULED FOR 4:07 and the bus was waiting for me. It was FREAKING 3:46! So I asked (very calmly, smile on my face) how they beat me home. The repose was "We are a super fast bus." all smiles and giggles. My smile faltered a bit but I was still calm and I asked "No really, how did you get here so fast?" They answered "The bus sprouted wings." still all smiles and giggles. At this point my smile was gone, I put Ben behind me and asked "I'm serious, how could you possible pick Ben up at 3:40 and be here, with other kids on the bus, at 3:46?" The smiles were gone all around and the driver answered "We pick Ben up at 3:15. The special ed. kids have to be released to us early so we can get to the schools and get kids home on time." Oh my god... Game on folks. You are not going to tell me 6 days into school that it is OK to take my "special ed." kid out of science EVERY FREAKING DAY BECAUSE HE FALLS UNDER SPECIAL ED! No way folks. Ben's walker WILL NOT jeopardise his education. I don't care how pretty you try to paint the picture. That's discrimination. I don't see one single other child that goes to his school with and IEP getting dismissed early. Bring it! You're about to learn what pissed and powerful is!


Angela said...

Oh no, NO, NO, NO!!! This would have me insane with anger -- they had better hold on to their hats.

Please - keep us posted!

Billie said...

Amen Sista! You are completely within your rights, and as long as you keep loudly and emphatically using the word "discrimination" you WILL get what is right (and so utterly obvious, duh!) for Ben. I will ask around for a good advocate for you. I'm sure it will come in handy in the long run...

Anonymous said...

I had more fights with the transportation department than anything else when my kids were at school and needed busing. It's not just the handicapped kids or any other particular group of kids that get the raw end of the stick. I inadvertently found out that our bus was 10 minutes late each morning. They did not need late passes; the school just let them go to class and did not say a word to the parents of these kids. Maybe that was a reason why some kids were not cued in to what was happening during the day. It was a real shame.

You also need to make sure you see how each day goes for your child. I have seen kids pulled out of math for speech therapy, or out of reading for orchestra or choir. Or for special help. Some kids cannot learn well if they are pulled out. That can be the explanation for some of the issues in school. Any time your kid has any special ed, you have to make sure how they are carving out the time.The educators and administrators are real scoundrels.

Heike Fabig said...

Abolutely, totally, definately NOT ON. No way! You go girl, you tell em. This is simply outreagous.

MMMom said...

This is complete BS! I have had to fight the same fight here cause MM's bus was late every day at the beginning of last year. She missed the most important part of day for her, the fine motor work. I raised hell & took it on up the chain. The school sends home a reminder at least once a week about getting to school on time & yet they weren't getting my child there on time. It is totally unacceptable. It is NOT appropriate for him to leave & it is necessary for him to have a full day of school (necessary & appropriate are the legal words they love to throw out). Go get 'em!

Left you an award on my little blog. Come get it AFTER you give them hell!

Anonymous said...

NOT on!