Friday, July 18, 2008

The Words Of A Two Year Old

Kiera- "So Mama, you see the thing is Ben was tired and so he went to bed. But I was hungry so I'm gonna eat my bagel with you and Daddy then I go to bed. OK?" Use your imagination to put one hand on her hip and one had out front holding her imaginary tray and make sure you add her head bobbing around too. Kiera-"Well Mama, you need to wait cause I am going potty first. And then you help me and then you go potty" (imagine LOTS of sass) Me-"Kiera, I am waiting for you to finish because you are already on the potty. Next time you can speak to me kindly. You really don't need to tell me what to do. I'm pretty good at waiting my turn. You're not in charge of everything." Kiera-"But Mama, when do I get to be in charge?" Me-"When you grow up and have your own kids, then you get to be in charge." Not my proudest parenting moment but who expects to be quizzed on this stuff by a two year old! Kiera-"OK, nigh, nigh Ben. I love you. You sleep type and stay in bed. You call me if you need me. Sweet dreams." Ben-"I need you Kiewa!" Kiera-"Mom, did you know Ben's my best friend." Sigh...


Swistle said...

Ha! We get that from our 3-year-old girl, too! Now she keeps asking NOW is she grown up?

Jason R. Myers said...

She is ready to take over and oust you. So cute.